Tiny planet bing bong
Tiny planet bing bong

tiny planet bing bong

Idea Bulb: One appears above Bong's head when Bong has a moment of inspiration in "Spring Cleaning".Heavy Sleeper: The local in "Pivotal Points" who sleeps through gentle nudging, an alarm clock ringing, and an explosion.Handcar Pursuit: In "Tools, Glorious Tools", Bing and Bong hitch a ride on a handcar on the Planet of Technology, and inevitably spend the next few minutes pumping furiously to stay ahead of an oncoming locomotive.Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress: Any time Bong is on a platform that moves downward suddenly (such as in the episode "Tip the Scales", or in the closing sequence), there's a demonstration of Creeping Gravity: Bong's head remains at the same level for a moment with Bong's body stretching out below it, before it snaps down to continue dropping at the same rate as the platform and Bong.In particular, the alarm that blares from Bing's watch at the end of the pilot not only sounds different from his alarm in the proper show, but is tied in to the background music that starts to play afterward. Early-Installment Weirdness: The pitch pilot "Tiny Planet of Colours", unsurprisingly, has several differences from the final show.Deliberately Monochrome: The silent film in "Flocker Flicker" is in sepia-tinted monochrome for no reason other than because that's what silent films look like.

tiny planet bing bong

Cute, but Cacophonic: Bong lets out a surprisingly loud and raucous shriek when particularly excited.It's different each episode and always shows a moment from the adventure they've just been on. Couch Gag: The closing credits sequence always ends with a close-up of the photo at Bing's bedside.The planet itself is set up like a life-sized orrery, with moons that don't so much orbit as stick out on long poles from a rotating ring at its equator. Also some of the devices on the Planet of Technology.The gadgets in Bing and Bong's home and built into the sofa.Circling Birdies: Bong sees a halo of stars after falling off a see-saw in "Pivotal Points".Camping Episode: In "Night Light Sleep Tight", Bing and Bong go camping on the Planet of Self it goes pretty well, apart from Bong being frightened by strange noises in the night.Bioluminescence is Cool: In "Night Light Sleep Tight", Bing and Bong stay overnight on the Planet of Self, and learn that the Locals glow in the dark.That might be explained by the sofa having some kind of artificial atmosphere, but then there's the inhabited asteroid they always pass in the opening sequence. Batman Can Breathe in Space: Bing and Bong don't seem to have any trouble breathing as they zoom through the interplanetary void.

#Tiny planet bing bong movie

  • Balloon Belly: In the silent movie in "Flocker Flicker".
  • Bag of Holding: Bing carries a satchel from which he produces a variety of useful items, many of which are larger than the satchel itself.
  • Backing into Danger: The version where two people back into each other happens while Bing and Bong are playing hide-and-seek in "That's What Friends Are For".
  • In the opening sequence, Bing and Bong's flight always takes them past a trio of Flockers living on an asteroid not much larger than they are.
  • Implied by the title, but it never really comes up except in "Gone With the Wind", where Bing and Bong, finding the path to their goal blocked, solve the problem by going all the way around the planet and approaching it from the far side.
  • He might have got a better result if he wore shoes.
  • Agony of the Feet: In "Magnificent Seven", Bing tries to stop a door closing by sticking his foot in the narrowing gap.
  • Bong's age is never alluded to in the episode.
  • Ageless Birthday Episode: In "Birthday Build-Up", while celebrating his birthday on the Planet of Self, Bong becomes anxious to wait to open a big present Bing has in store for him.

  • Tiny planet bing bong